Royalty Free License gives the possibility to use the image unlimited times and without restrictions on a usage time.
The photo got on Standard / Rojalti Free License can't be used in commercial purposes, i.e. to resell, include in the content of production intended for sale.
But in all other cases, for example: wallpapers for the screen of own computer, the press of a poster for an interior of the apartment or an office, the printing of posters, calendars or brochures for internal non-commercial purposes of the Company - images can be used freely and repeatedly.
All rights to the image remain with the Author.
The Rights-managed License gives the opportunity to the Buyer - private person or Company to use the image for commertional purposes.
This are all kinds of usage in advertizing, printing, packing, goods production without circulation and geographic distribution restrictions, but unitary.
After the expiry of the term specified in the Contract, the Buyer should stop useage of the image and its copies, but can continue to realize one kind of production made during this term designated in the Contract.
All rights to the image remain with the Author.